GNU manipulation tools installation and working

Tudip Technologies
2 min readJul 8, 2021

This blog helps you to install and calculate the image size in the GNU manipulation tool.

Install the Tool GNU Image Manipulation Program in the system , There are two ways to install it on the system.

You can directly search it on Ubuntu softwares as follows and install it.

We can install it through the terminal by using the following command.

  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install gimp

Take the snapshot or screenshot of the Playable stream from any video player.

For example we can use the VLC media player to take a snapshot of the screen where we need to find the region.

Please follow the following formulae to find out the region coordinates for any templates or text.

Region = Region(x , y, Width, Height)

Find out the given coordinates from the frame for the particular image region or the text region.

For example consider the following frame.

We need to find out the region for the highlighted red filters image .

Launch the gnu app and open the given frame.

Select the required portion in the frame and you will get the x and y coordinates for the particular selected region

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